Monday, June 16, 2008

More Pics of Jackson and more...

First outfit - the one that I wanted him to wear ended up being too small! I bought a collection of 3 outfits in Preemie size - dumb idea.

Taylor taking care of mommy - she wanted to sit with me in my bed.

Another picture of Jackson - day 2. He is such a cutie!

This is Taylor meeting her little brother for the first time. I am not sure what she thought about the whole thing. She seemed much more concerned with mommy's owies than with the baby. But it was a really cool moment for me to see her with him.

There is really no feeling as awesome as this! When they hand you the baby - and he is healthy and darling! He looked EXACTLY like Taylor did when she was born. It was such a huge relief to have him out and know that he was okay.

We waited in the triage for two hours before the surgery - I was really calm at first - but the more time that went by and the more nurses and doctors that came in and talked with me, the more freaked out I became! About 15 minutes before I had to go back, I decided that I had changed my mind, and I would much rather leave and go and get a cheeseburger instead :) (I am not very good at fasting.)

Right before we left for the hospital...Taylor was excited to go and play at Emma's house...

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Jackson is here!

Jackson James Peel - born Wednesday, June 11th at 5:33 PM. He was 8 lbs 6 oz.
Now are family is at four!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Well, we are leaving for the hospital in just a few hours!! Yikes. We are both very excited and anxious...and I would say a little bit in shock. It is a very strange feeling to know exactly when you will be meeting your child! Crazy. We are just praying that he arrives healthy and safe and that the c-section goes smoothly. Taylor is excited to go and play with Emma at Lori's house - and then to go with Grandma Janet and play playdough :) She has been so cute and loving to me these last few days - I really think she knows what is going on. I got up with her at 6:30 this morning and ate my final meal of Raisin Bran and toast with her - and let Matt sleep until 8:30. And then he took Taylor out shopping and to McDonalds so that I could sleep. I have been really nauseous the last few days, so I don't sleep all that well, but it was still nice to rest. She came home yelling, "Mommy, we're home - come here - we got you presents!" They got me a nice care package of magazines, candy, gum, a journal, and a little Suduku (sp?) game book. Very nice - was also my suggestion :) Anyway, we will be posting pics soon of little Jackson! We have a bet going on his weight - I think he will be 8 lbs 4 oz - and Matt thinks anything 8 lbs 5 oz or above. (He wants a big boy....) My mom thinks 8 lbs 3 oz - and Natalie thinks 7 lbs 14 oz....we shall see.!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Well, Matt and I have one more week until little Jackson comes - and since all I am doing is waiting around for it - I figured this would be a good time to set this up! I am scheduled for surgery at 5 PM next Wednesday, June 11th, at Banner Gateway Hospital. I have my last doctor's appointment this afternoon - hallelujah! Matt's mom, Judy, will be coming into town next Tuesday night to stay with Taylor so that Matt can be with me in the hospital. He will be off of work for 3 weeks - which is fabulous! I am really glad because then someone can always be focused on Taylor - I am not sure how she will handle not being the center of everything anymore!